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The ˝Certificate for the transition of companies to the new economic/social/societal framework of the circular economy in line with the EU directives and the UN Agenda 2020-2030-2050˝ enables companies in the Republic of Slovenia within the European Union and state-owned enterprises to gain insight into the full spectrum of implementation, training, adaptation, ... of their existing economic, organisational, social and other systems to the EU/UN agenda in the period of transformation of economic and banking systems, environmental awareness of individuals and communities and the choice of control and management of artificial intelligence, which will begin to restrict and eliminate all companies that prioritise only one thing - the capital aspect of business.
The global economic war is increasing and requires a change in the way each of us lives and does business.

˝Certificate for the transition of companies to the new economic/social/societal framework of the circular economy in line with the EU directives and the UN Agenda 2020-2030-2050˝ with the system innovation and solution of the EcoSynergy System within the circular economy gives companies strength and support so that the adaptation to the new economic/banking/social framework is faster and more efficient and enables the survival of companies in the future.


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